
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2018
ICO & Bounty Payperblock Всю важную информацию о проекте Payperblock можно найти здесь: Site :  https://payperblock.com Whitepaper:  https://payperblock.com/whitepaper/ Facebook :  https://www.facebook.com/Payperblock-821176318089462/ Twitter :  https://twitter.com/payperblock Linkedin :  http://www.linkedin.com/company/18479446/ Youtube :  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYHSDTfcU_plcJSNCPxF5zg Telegram :  https://t.me/joinchat/IZbKTlFWa0v9Oph89EK9cA Bitcointalk Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2002675
TwoGap - Only in the fifth dimension can she see the whole financial market on earth Why we are here? In current crypto market, many crypto investors loss their money, even losing all when tokens they invest disappear in crypto trading exchange. In the growing doubt of crypto market nowadays, current investors are likely to exit as well as new investors are in the fear of investing in crypto market. This has spiraled the Global Crypto Market deep in long down trend, even it maybe collapses. How it will be solved? 300 years ago until now, the appearance of Bonds have saved and thrived the Global Security Market. Current Global Security Market Cap is estimated by $65 trillion Stocks plus $100 trillion Bonds. We can see the enormous scale as well as the potential of Bonds Market today. In near future, CryptoBonds will be the biggest scale stop-loss product to save Crypto Investors. In addition, CryptoBonds also will be a reliable crypto market where investors who have loss their
BitSong: Technologies within the Decentralized Music Platform There are a lot of music streaming platforms on the market. However, all of them are centralized. Due to being centralized, these platforms don’t allow aspiring musicians to produce and publish their songs unless they work under major labels. There is a need for a decentralized platform in which aspiring musicians can produce and publish their songs. This is the aim of BitSong. What is BitSong? It is a project that aims to be a decentralized music streaming platform. Currently, there is no such platform, which means it could be the first. BitSong realizes that many aspiring musicians cannot produce and publish their songs because they don’t have the necessary fund. Realizing this, the platform allows aspiring musicians to get the funding they need to produce and publish their songs on the platform. To achieve its aim, the platform utilizes several technologies such as IPFS, Ethereum and smart contracts, and to
Pool Of Stake - Будущее майнинга. Децентрализованный пул для доказательства ставок Представляю обзор нового проекта, на мой взгляд, интересного и перспективного, который называется  Pool of Stake .Речь пойдет о майнинге биткоинов и о пуле – жизненно необходимой вещи для добычи криптовалют. Всем известно, что майнинг требует большую вычислительную сложность. Она является самым важным параметром для майнера, так как именно от изменения сложности зависят его доходы. Сложность в долгосрочной перспективе непрерывно растёт, и майнеру все труднее рассчитать подпись блока в одиночку. Пока сложность была невысокой, существовал одиночный майнинг. Решение вычислительной задачи можно было получить даже на процессоре одного компьютера, поэтому каждый майнер работал один и сам получал вознаграждение в виде целого блока.С ростом сложности, соло-майнинг отошёл в прошлое. Теперь даже с самым мощным специализированным оборудованием можно майнить годами, но так и не найти хэш для подписи блока
Bersama-sama kita dapat memecahkan masalah $ 4.2 triliun Goods Digital Passport menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk mencatat sejarah produk dan membuktikan keasliannya. Berikan kepastian keaslian dan asal produk. Membuat barang palsu tidak mungkin. Masalah multifaset Pasar palsu adalah masalah di seluruh dunia, berkembang pesat, merusak secara ekonomi, dan berbahaya, yang sangat membutuhkan solusi global. Dari tas mewah hingga karya seni, produk bekas, dan barang lainnya yang sering dibeli secara online, jelas bahwa segala sesuatu dapat disalin atau dipalsukan. Biaya Palsu $ 4,2 Triliun Barang palsu dan pembajakan untuk biaya Ekonomi Global $ 4,2 Triliun per tahun pada 2022. $ 82 Miliar Dibelanjakan setiap tahun untuk perlindungan merek dan mencoba mencegah barang dari dipalsukan. 50% Seni 50% seni yang beredar dipalsukan atau salah diartikan. $ 1 Miliar Perkiraan penjualan arloji palsu pada tahun 2013 saja. Ini menciptakan banyak masalah u