
Сообщения за октябрь, 2018
TRADE PHARMA NETWORK: HELPING PHARMA PROFESSIONALS & ORGANIZATIONS DISRUPT THROUGH THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY Trade Pharma Network ICO About Trade Pharma Network is a EU-licensed brokerage platform and an international pharma-centric marketplace of choice for buyers & sellers performing routine transactions of medicines. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven platform uses powerful AI algorithms to enable efficient search & digital matchmaking between our key stakeholders but also Blockchain as we envision a future where every physical medicine has a digital history, allowing our users to trace and verify its origins, attributes and ownership to fight efficiently against counterfeit medicines, in Europe & Worldwide. We are also providing a full suite of services that facilitate information exchange, communication and transactions between pharma and healthcare institutions. Trade Pharma Network ICO Categories Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Business Service
FiiiCOIN Scalable and Energy Efficient Crypto Platform Review What is FiiiCoin Fiiicoin is a mobile mining based designed transaction system where every Smartphone user will be able to participate in maintaining whole block-chain network without relying on expensive mining machines and graphic cards. The main purpose of create this coin to re-utilize current resources especially mobile phones to take part in mining process. Even a non IT user or crypto Fan who do not have money to invest can able to earn some reward by just taking part in mobile mining system. FiiiCoin Mining System: Smartphone devices are not good at mining due to their limited storage capacity, weak computing power, low battery due to which mobile device is not capable of maintaining block-chain network 24/7. For synchronizing data in block-chain system mobile networks require 4G technology and if we run up node then mobile can finish up all bandwidth in no time. Fiiicoin mining consensuses are proof
Create, listen, promote and earn! BitSong - new music platform           Music has become an essential part of our daily life; we listen to our favorite songs during our morning jogging: on the way to work, over a cup of coffee, while traveling and relaxing, as well as on a walk. Each movie has musical accompaniment, we listen to your favorite tunes, and the mood gets better.           There is a lot of competition in this industry and to declare themselves, talented novice performers have to put a tremendous amount of time, effort, money and resources to advance in the music market. Many give up at the very beginning, and some do not even try to show their abilities, because they know which way to go.           The new project BitSong is the first decentralized platform that provides the ability to download original music. The Blockchain technology creates a high level of security and content protection; each user can create a playlist with his songs, get a large number o
SWISS ALPS MINING Platform Penambangan Crypto Yang Ramah Lingkungan Penambangan Bitcoin dan Cryptocurrency adalah pemrosesan transaksi dalam sistem mata uang digital,di mana catatan transaksi Bitcoin atau altcoin saat ini yang dikenal sebagai blok ditambahkan ke catatan transaksi sebelumnya yang dikenal sebagai rantai blok.Bitcoin ditentukan oleh catatan transaksi yang ditandatangani secara digital,dimulai dengan pembuatannya.Blok tersebut merupakan bukti hash yang dienkripsi yang dibuat dalam proses komputasi intensif.Penambang menggunakan perangkat lunak yang mengakses kapasitas pemrosesan mereka untuk memecahkan algoritma terkait transaksi.Sebagai imbalannya,mereka diberikan sejumlah Bitcoin per blok.Rantai blok mencegah upaya untuk membelanjakan Bitcoin atau altcoin lebih dari sekali jika tidak,mata uang digital dapat dipalsukan oleh salin dan tempel. Awalnya,penambangan Bitcoin atau altcoin dilakukan pada CPU komputer individu dengan core lebih banyak dan kecepatan yang
V-ID обзор ICO проекта   Что такое платформа V-ID? V-ID является лучшим кандидатом на платформу Blockchain Validation Platform, который станет де-факто стандартным решением для мошенничества с документами. С помощью системы blockchain, разработанной на платформе V-ID, она предоставляет услуги, которые используют общие и надежные принципы, чтобы обеспечить возможность проверки и проверки любого цифрового файла в безопасности и может быть известна любому издателю. потому что блокчаин не изменяется и не прозрачен в ходе работы платформы. Издающая организация / издатель может зарегистрировать любой файл через процесс проверки платформы V-ID. Он может принимать во внимание подлинность документа за несколько секунд, очень полезный во лжи, независимо от того, является он подлинным или нет, а также для проверки не требует платы. Платформа V-ID не хранит копии проверенных файлов и поэтому легко отвечает рекомендациям Data Protection (GDPR). очень отличается от обычного широкомасш
CAPVERTO - BANKING FOR THE FUTURE (ICO) CAPVERTO Exchange is a pioneer financial platform that unites the domain of banknotes and cryptocurrencies. Its distinctive design revolves around the CAPVERTO Tokens (CAP) and international prepaid cards, which extend digital currency earnings to the populations that are most often excluded from traditional banking. Through the CAP utility token, it provides an intuitive and multifaceted online banking experience. What is the problem? Our team has conducted a survey and registers more than 2 billion people currently without bank accounts, representing hundreds of billions of US dollars in untapped activities. and only in the USA In the US, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation estimates that 9 million (or 7 percent) of households in the country do not have bank accounts, while the other 24.5 million do not have access to banking. The use of banking services is even lower outside the high-income OECD countries, reaching below 2