
Сообщения за февраль, 2019
SABIGLOBAL OVERVIEW Imagination has always allowed us to speculate about what others are thinking and feeling, immortality also curious on our mind and even to create entirely fictive lives; and we have long proved eager to recruit technology to its service. We have used art, music, books, movies, television, and now the Internet to thrust ourselves imaginatively into the places and lives of others. And the rise of social networking has only deepened our inventive capabilities by allowing us to cast snippets of our own lives painful, sorrowful, lonely, exuberant, ordinary into the tumult, inviting others into our place as we are invited into theirs. Avatars seem to be the logical next step, taking the narrative imagination of fiction, the aesthetic imagination of cinema, and the self-styling power of social networks, and combining them into virtual worlds that seek to mimic real-world interaction. In case you’re a Cryptocurrency trader searching for an edge you may have found out
ALCEDO PLATFORM ALCEDO-ATMs and our POS-Terminals. this enables customers to quickly and simply obtain or sell cryptocurrencies. additionally. ALCEDO makes cryptocurrencies accessible for everybody! We square measure aiming at a widespread acceptance of cryptocurrencies. ALCEDO-System Essentially the​ ALCEDO-System consists of six individual elements, all of which can act. every part may perform its perform on its own. ALCEDO-Platform (network) ALCEDO-Coin ALCEDO-Point (buy / sell / exchange over the counter) ALCEDO-KATM (crypto machines) ALCEDO-Wallet ALCEDO-POS Terminal ALCEDO-Card ALCEDO-Platform The ALCEDO-Platform contains all functions necessary for handling any and every one crypto transactions. The ALCEDO-Ecosystem (platform) will handle different​ types of crypto machines, wallets, ​and coins. because of the actual fact that we have a tendency to programmed and developed this technique, we are able to implement new options quickly and simply, anytime. we have
Sabiglobal ICO System of Adaptive Biometric Identification We offer a universal system of identification and authentication. It is universal and can be used in various areas. It is autonomous and can work locally. The system uses the technology that is based on a unique electromagnetic imprint of a person and analysis of their nervous and cardiovascular systems and cell structure by using a non-contact probing low-intensity SHF and EHF signals. This technology is called SABI (System of Adaptive Biometric Identification). About SABI SABI technology presupposes provision of a continuous access to a secure system, when the user’s logging in to the area covered by a SABI module starts the authentication and authentication process allowing the protected system to securely authorize the user, and the user’s logging out the area means that the system must interrupt authorization. The module from time to time performs the user authentication process and sends control signals to th
ALCEDO | Cryptocurrency ATMs      WEB   |   FACEBOOK   |   MEDIUM   |   YOUTUBE   |   TELEGRAM   |   ANN  Blockchain industry today is in the early stages of its formation. Many people are still skeptical about this technology and do not believe in its success in the future. Here we can draw a parallel between Blockchain technology and the invention of the Internet. From the words of important figures in 1995, none of the computer network is not supposed to be alive, the Internet was considered unnecessary toy. Now we see how these same people predicting the collapse of technology can not live a day without the Internet. In General, history repeats itself. According to some analysts, Blockchain technology in the near future is able to completely change the usual picture of the world, leading to the collapse of the fundamental layers of the outdated system. Therefore, blockchain on its way of development meets strong resistance in the face of banks and other monopolistic