CoTrader - Blockchain Decentralized Funds Marketplace for Crypto

What is CoTrader ?
It's a decentralize fund management, they present a rialto for Investors, Cryptos and ICO's ("It's like a sizably voluminous supermarket") that they can invest the same way automatically, they are the worlds first Crypto ICO Exchange and will be the financial platform of the future which is available now, CoTrader aims to become the world’s most sizably voluminous investment funds and trading emporium, CoTrader’s MVP already fortifies cryptos and ICO futures it will fortify all tradable assets in a one stop shopping platform. This is innovative and awe-inspiring in the cryptocurrency ecosystem via blockchain. Let us visit the website for more ocular perceiver opening concepts:
Modus Oparandi
CoTraders can invest together with the best proven fund managers. Unlike competing platforms, CoTraders investment funds can be managed without ever sending the mazuma to anyone. Fund managers' fees and performance history are transparent and proven on the blockchain, Fund managers who trade the fund assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Prosperous fund managers receive a percentage of the profits they have made for their investors. Investors remain in control of their mazuma and are able to deposit and withdraw from any fund at any time, They Facsimile the crypto & ICO investments of the Top traders to get the same gains that they do without even compulsory kenning what they are trading. This is novel and like taking your trading worries over from you.
CoTrade will introduce an ERC 20 compliance token with a symbol COT which will be officially the participant of ICO will be buying into and will withal be habituated to make payments to both investors and bounty hunters.
Characteristics of CoTrade
Astute Funds: Keenly intellective funds make up the core of the CoTrader platform. A perspicacious fund is an Ethereum astute contract that has a fund manager, investors, and apportions that can be traded. Each investor that invests in the fund is awarded a certain number of shares representing his total ownership of the fund.Smart funds implement the ERC20 token interface which betokens keenly intellective fund shares can be traded on exchanges in the same way as any other ERC20 token.
Fund Engenderment: Anyone can engender a keenly intellective fund on the CoTrader platform and deposit tokens into the fund. The engenderer can cull a denomination for the fund as well as set his incentive fee which is the percentage of profits he will earn.
Investing: Each astute fund consists of shares representing the percentage ownership of each member of the fund. When an investor invests in a keenly intellective fund, incipient shares are minted to represent his holding of the fund predicated on the total amount he invested and the current value of the fund’s holdings.
Why You Should Prefer CoTrader
Blockchain enables a way for casual investors to achieve kindred results to the best traders in the world. Their goal is to bring more financial liberation and gains to both parties, while revolutionizing how mazuma and investing works for all of us.
My conclusion? it will be one of the most immensely colossal and will be one of the leading trading investment platform, because CoTrader has Flexibility, Liberation, Options and Security for their Clients, CoTrader has a great platform to amalgamate Investors, Cryptos and ICO's in one store.( "Highly innovative")
The CoTrader software can be used for free. You use CoTrader via the Ethereum blockchain, which you can do through the site, another site using the cotrader protocol for free, or even directly through their wallets. The tokens are needed to use the full functionality of the system, especially to build up loyalty-rewards which can be very significant.
Anyone that long holds tokens can lease out their loyalty rewards to top traders and charge e.g 10% of what traders make, meaning believers can earn 100s of millions or more per year just for long holding tokens! Loyalty rewards also give up to 99% discount on cotrading and using advanced trading tools sold on our open platform
  • Does CoTrader have any direct competitors?
Yes, but none that we know of are decentralized where you don't need to send all your assets to 3rd party, especially not while maintaining trade privacy while being open on blockchain. The competitors are all basically copy-cats of each other, proving the market demand for this kind of cotrading idea - very intuitive.
  • CoTrader tokens and ICO
CoTrader Token (COT) is an Ethereum based token that can be stored in any electronic wallet supporting ERC20 tokens.
  • Ticker name: COT
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Total Cap: 100 Billion
  • Hard Cap: $10M or 20B (20%) of tokens
  • Main sale price: 1 ETH = 700,000 COT
  • Public pre sale: July 1
  • Public main sale: August 1
For more information, please visit links below :
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Bitcointalk Profile;u=2002675


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