HUMANCOIN - Breathe New Life Into a Charitable Industry That Prove Machine Growth

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It was found that a large number of people leave their changes on the streets and even make impulsive donations to charity regularly.
Charity is something that people do regularly, but the most surprising thing is that the advancement of technology has not been fully applied to charity, the only exceptional case is the role that monasteries spend two hundred years ago, and this method is now accepted by philanthropic foundations.
The associated p2p Internet platform and the intrusion of blockchain technology contribute to solving the main problems in the industry, and also give a powerful impetus to further development.
Here are some of the ways that a blockchain platform can offer help.
• Donors will be able to monitor transactions to ensure that their fund is spent properly, the way it was intended.
• Charitable organizations will also be able to demonstrate honesty, clearly showing how they use the funds provided.
• The payment system will become simplified, and the problems associated with the conversion of the crypto currency will be resolved.
• Transaction costs can be reduced through the automation of all processes.


There is no doubt that there is a great development in the way of donating, but even for this purpose the charitable branch could not overcome its main obstacle, which is a lack of trust.
Donors, who are mostly private firms, face the problem of trust, sacrificing, because there is no means to confirm whether the fund will receive a timely exit.
It was also found that most of the donated funds are kept as administrative expenses, which are usually used for charitable foundations.
Operating costs are also a big problem, as most individuals and businesses usually have to spend their good intentions ultimately to cover transaction costs for the transaction.


A long-term charity chain consisting of banks, NGOs, state bodies and law firms will be completed by distributed book technology. Using the blockchain platform can provide a digital mechanism that will be used to record and view any transaction.
This new technology on a larger scale will also facilitate the development of direct financing platforms. Philanthropists also benefit greatly from automated intellectual contracts, as this will allow grantees to use their funds after they have successfully coped with so many conditions.
The growth of the charitable industry will be significantly increased due to the great advantages that blockchain technology can offer.
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In the charitable aspect, there are several blockbuster projects available, and some of them include, help, cleansing, bcharity, etc. These projects are only in niche or local endeavors that do not work outside the philanthropic industry.
The Humancoin Foundation will be able to integrate the charitable industry, the crypto currency market and e-commerce in one project.
This type of ecosystem will be able to provide new incentives for donors, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of the many available loyalty programs that exist around the world.
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We are taught to be kind to others and this kindness can also be seen in the donations we give to those in need, may it be to a person or to charities. But individuals and companies that are willing to donate usually hesitate to make donations. One reason is that it is difficult for them to find a worthwhile project. They doubt whether the organization is genuine and if their contribution will really reach the intended recipients in full and if it will be truly used for a just cause. Also, there is no easy way to transfer money to them especially if the donors are from different countries.
According to the World Giving Index 2017, 1/3 of the people on Earth give to charities at least once a year and half of them extend their help to strangers. Usually, their contributions account for up to 80% of all donations, 15% of donations made are through foundations and large companies for only 5% of donations.

Donors donate money more often to religious causes 32%, education 15%; humanitarian assistance 12%, charity fund projects 11%, healthcare, 8%. The additional 22% of donations are for other purposes such as environmental and wildlife protection, arts & culture and other international projects.

On the other hand, a survey conducted by Nielsen Group, found out that 50% of consumers surveyed worldwide, 50% of them are willing to pay more for goods and services from socially responsible companies. One way of creating a strong emotional resonance with consumers is by integrating consumer loyalty programs with the charity industry.
It is where Humancoin Foundation comes in.
Eliminates doubts and problems by using a blockchain technology and the associated P2P internet platform that enables donors to quickly make donations worldwide, monitor their transactions online to see that their donations are being spent as intended and receive benefits/incentives like discounts from the platform partners and take advantage of various loyalty programs around the world.
Charities will also be able to demonstrate their projects’ integrity by providing information as to how they use the funds; quick payments are now simplified and the problem of currency and cryptocurrency conversion is solved.
Now that foundations and charity organizations like Red Cross etc. begun accepting donations in cryptocurrency, the growth in the charity industry is foreseen because charitable projects will be able to accept funds with minimal overhead costs and in the shortest time in any convenient currency.
Humancoin is a breakthrough blockchain project that unites philanthropists and beneficiaries of funds in a most convenient and transparent way possible thus, provides transparency, traceability and security. It also integrates the charity industry, e- commerce and the cryptocurrency market.
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This is how it works.
Charitable projects both private initiatives and foundations enter the details in the Humancoin platform. The donor will be able to select a project on the platform and transfer money in their choice of currency.
So why should we own Humancoin?
First, Human coin tokens are easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses and coupons. Token owners are given incentives to hold them so that they can take advantage of attractive benefits. Second, the popularity of the token will grow as the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin network grows. Among the project partners will be large online stores, representatives of the gaming and entertainment industries, airlines and cryptoexchanges to name a few.
Humancoins purchased during the Token Sale have the value of a loyalty reward token. These can be used to receive discounts from Humancoin partners or sold on cryptoexchanges. But once the Token Sale ends, Humancoin tokens can be purchased on exchanges or received in proportion to any donation. Benefactors receive back 50% of the value of their donation in Humancoin tokens. In other words, benefactors will be able to “buy” or “mine” tokens at the rate of twice the price listed on the exchange.


This is an existing p2p platform and an ecosystem in which donors, recipients and e-commerce players will participate.
The interface of this platform allows participants to quickly send donations to any country with a popular currency, which will allow you to track transactions and design charity projects.
The Humancoin platform has been designed specifically to facilitate the interaction process, and this will largely be done between philanthropists and beneficiaries.


The pre-sale will be held from July 1 to August 15, 2018.
The sale of tokens will be from September 15 to November 1, 2018.
It is expected that the token will grow at $ 1 per minute.
Softcap will be $ 6 per minute.
Hardcap will be $ 26 per minute.
The available token for sale is 3 055 000 000.
The pre-sale will be 150,000,000 with a 50% bonus.
At the first stage of the sale of the token will be 945 000 000 with a bonus of 35%.
The second stage for the sale of tokens will be 960 000 000, and he will have 20% of the bonus.
The third stage for the sale of tokens will be 1,000,000,000 with a 0% bonus.
Every other token that remains unsold will be burned.
Tokens will be allocated to a personal user account, and distribution will be done after the sale of the token, and it will be listed in the list of popular crypto-exchangers.
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the HUMAN COIN project currently being run by their team, if there is any shortage in explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information and of course You will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.
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