Worldopoly ICO review

"Worldopoly" is a multiplayer strategy game in real time, which is a simulator of urban construction with built-in technologies of blocking and augmented reality. The game guarantees an economic stimulus and involving gameplay through the implementation of its own WPT crypto currency.
Imagine a game bordering on reality. A mobile game where your playground is the real cities of our world where you can buy plots on the streets and build houses that you can visit and see using revolutionary AR technology.
Worldpoly also uses modern blockchain technology and allows you to buy and sell real estate while in the game. A mobile game in which you can earn real money!
We dreamed. We have developed and created. And now invite you to join and take the next step together.
Goals of Worldopoly ICO
The beta version of Worldopoly has already been completed, so the main goal of the ICO is to raise funds to achieve the following goals:
Further development of the game
Construction of economic system
Conducting a marketing campaign
Further development of the game
To bring Wordopoly to the next stage, we need to significantly expand the range of gaming opportunities for users, add new features and regularly release updates - even after the release.
The collected funds will become the financial basis for active support and development of the project in the early stages.
Multiplayer online games require constant maintenance and additional functional development. During 2018-2020 the development of Wordopoly will include the following items (but not limited to them):
Expansion of the functional (adding new objects, buildings);
The implementation of the exchange of tokens between players and the creation of a specialized exchange for the exchange of crypto-currencies, which will allow the introduction or withdrawal of fiat (real) funds in a centralized manner;
Realization of a service that will allow users to receive revenue from advertising placed on their own sites, as well as post their own advertising;
Integration of artificial intelligence, which will make the process of adaptation of new users to the features of the game process as fast as possible.
Other games based on blockbuster technology provide a minimum of attractive gameplay. They either target very specific niche markets (MMORPG genre), a casino game or simple collection games (CryptoKitties). Now there are no games on the market that would serve the main audience of casual gamers. Our unique use of advanced technologies (AR, blocking, geo-positioning) effectively enriches the gameplay: instead of creating a new gaming model that requires a player to pre-examine, Worldopoly offers affordable economic modeling in the real world. The project will be useful for people who want to understand the principles of blocking and crypto currency in a risk-free environment.
Real time is the real world
The player can buy real streets in real cities (basic technology: Google Maps / openstreetmaps).
RTS (real-time strategy) + AR (augmented reality) + blocking = unlimited possibilities
Augmented reality allows you to actually "see" your game move.
WPT becomes the real currency that is made during the game process.
Risk-free introduction to the crypto-currency world
Having the opportunity to sell any in-game object for WPT, a player can earn a Crypto currency without attracting real money. This is a great way to introduce players to the world of crypto-currency without financial risks.
How does it work
Combining the technologies of augmented reality, blockade and geography, Worldopoly provides a unique gameplay that extends the boundaries of the current capabilities of mobile games. (While in other games, the focus is on augmented reality or building buildings, blockade or gameplay.) All these technologies are purposefully combined together in the form of Worldopoly, and each of them has its own unique goal within the game. Augmented reality creates a sense of play in the real world, blockage provides an increased level of security, and geo-positioning brings cities around the world to your mobile device.
The most valuable asset of Worldopoly is our highly qualified team of specialists with extensive experience in a wide range of disciplines. We have been developing Worldopoly for the last three years, and in the process we have created reliable communication concepts and effective collaboration.
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