
Health is the greatest wealth of our human life. Not matter where we live and where we are, irrespective of age and gender, health is very much valuable resource that we all have. Nobody wants live with diseases; everyone wants to live happily. The key factor to live healthy and happy is to follow good habits, daily exercise, good sleep and well balanced diet.


As practice shows, our modern people pays very less attention to their health. Our modern lifestyle is very much unhealthy and this leads to many new manifested diseases. When they become health conscious, they start changing their lifestyle, eat healthy diet, exercise regularly and take sufficient sleep. But as always, this will not continue for long time. After some days things become like a tail of dog.
Today more technological devices are motivating modern people to get up and start exercise. These smart devices such as smart watches, smart bands connected with mobile application provides very minute tracking details such as how much distance we walked, calories burned, number of steps, hours of sleep taken, heart beat rates and so on. These smart devices directly or indirectly stimulates people to stay healthy and create a healthy society.
Thanks to a team of professionals who are decided to take this motivation further and developed a platform which aims to create a healthy ecosystem called MHEALTHCOIN.

About the project

The main aim of the MHEALTHCOIN project is to provide advanced technological solutions through smart devices to motivate people to track/monitor their health. This is wants to create awareness in the people to be conscious about their health. In order to achieve this MHEALTHCOIN designed a smart device which allow people to track and monitor their health activities and in turn motivates them to do so by providing rewards in the form of internal tokens.
It’s obvious that everyone loves to receive rewards and MHEALTHCOIN is stimulating people to do some exercise to earn rewards and in turn stay healthy and happy. Thus with this method our society becomes healthy and happy.

Advantages and features

The smart device developed by the MHEALTHCOIN developers is highly advanced and with improved features than any other existing health wearable devices. These devices having various sensors to monitor every activity such as steps walked, distance covered, calories burned and heart rate etc during wakefulness and also during sleep. And these devices collect huge amount of data to provide accurate details. For every calories burned users will be rewarded with tokens. The MHEALTHCOIN team has made partnerships with well known sports center, wellness and exercise centres, nutrition stores, sports equipment providing stores and sports clubs where users can spend their earned tokens.
Here the MHEALTHCOIN creates a complete activity life cycle where people are motivated to earn tokens by performing health related tasks and spend their earned tokens for purchasing goods. To make this process secured, transparent, reliable and trustworthy, the project team has implemented blockchain technology.

ICO details

The MHEALTHCOIN project uses its own internal tokens called MHEC to perform every platform operation. They has used Ethereum blockchain powered ERC20 tokens. There are totally 6 billion times are minted and will distributed during each ICO stages.
The ICO sale will start from 1st of March to 30th of June 2019. You can purchase tokens through BTC and ETH. The project Hardcap was set at $25,000,000.

Token distribution



It is worth to note that there are real use case projects are developing on blockchain technology. Projects like MHEALTHCOIN will play an important role in making mass adoption of cryptocurrency through it’s innovative solutions. The smart device created by MHEALTHCOINmotivates people to get up, do exercise and stay healthy. For doing so they will receive rewards and these rewards will be used to spend tokens for buying their favorite goods.
It motivates people to adopt healthy diet, daily exercise, helps to awareness for diseases. Even though there for many smart devices doing the same thing, but the MHEALTHCOIN provides various benefits than other smart devices.
Finally I would suggest you to read the official whitpepaper of the project for more details. This project needs much public attention and I wish all the best for this great project.


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